

"Ich glaube nicht an die Freiheit des Willens. Schopenhauers Wort: 'Der Mensch kann wohl tun, was er will, aber er kann nicht wollen, was er will', begleitet mich in allen Lebenslagen und versöhnt mich mit den Handlungen der Menschen, auch wenn sie mir recht schmerzlich sind. Diese Erkenntnis von der Unfreiheit des Willens schützt mich davor, mich selbst und die Mitmenschen als handelnde und urteilende Individuen allzu ernst zu nehmen und den guten Humor zu verlieren." (A. Einstein)

ps:be happy

hello world

I am PS, mathematician, wife, home cook, book-lover and a girl with a camera who's trying to find balance and happiness and who dares to figure out which professional route is the one to take. This little blog is meant to be a place where I focus on the happy moments, the ones I'd like to savor, in order not to forget that life is good. I'm going to share quotes that speak to me, resolutions I make, pictures I took or food I'd cook. Come in and make yourself comfortable, and feel free to drop a comment. I'm happy to hear what you're willing to share.

Recent Updates

"Ich glaube nicht an...
"Ich glaube nicht an die Freiheit des Willens. Schopenhauers...
epsilon - 26. Feb, 20:52
I cannot believe,...
... what I did today. Sometimes you just have to...
epsilon - 15. Feb, 01:16
evening together
Tonight my husband will be at home. Why mention this?...
epsilon - 10. Feb, 12:56
The good thing is, that...
The good thing is, that I enjoy many things.
epsilon - 9. Feb, 17:29
again: Gretchen Rubin
she says: When I’m reluctant to take a risk or face...
epsilon - 8. Feb, 23:26




currently reading

Haruki Murakami
1Q84: Roman

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